Monday, November 06, 2006

"We are the voices of an underground choir. Save your breath you won't be heard."

Sorry for the extreme lack of posting.

I shall blame it all on Ryo. He takes up all my free time.

Doo da doo. So what's new in my life do you ask?

Well, we just got a bunch of fish and two died in the past two days.

Wal-Mart fish have such quality.

Hopefully the others will survive, because two of them aren't goldfish, and one is rather huge. I like fish. They're fun to watch.

Today is November 6th or 7th. I don't really know right now. It all depends if my mom actually flipped the little flipper calendar we have on the desk.

Anyways, that means that Sunshine is less than a week away. And I must say that I am very disappointed. Two of my friends aren't going. If I have to be dragged, or at least had, then they should have to come too. It's the rule. When I suffer, everyone does. I'm selfish like that.

Physics has been interesting. I really like Mr.Smiley as a teacher, especially today. After reading a bunch of life challenge journals, he told us what he thought of us. Mind you, this is the Honors kids. And I think he hit it dead on. He said that we base a lot of our life and how we live it on a ranking of intelligence that we give ourselves. Which is completely true. I see it all the time. I do it too. And it really is a bad thing to do. We shouldn't rank our lives on how smart we are. Intelligence and academics are not actually that important for happiness or living.

My friend Heather has dropped from a Camaro to a Buick. Specifically my mom's Buick. Quite funny. Even more funny, because I have to tell her how to drive it. Payback is so sweet.

Ack! I have Chemistry...and Physics and English to procrastinate. Cause you know what I did with my half-day? I watched Heather get her nails done, fed the pregnant lady, and then sat down with a favorite book and read. I was the only one in the house. It was great.

Oh, I may not have mentioned. Heather's pregnant. And I get to be a godmother! Yippee! I am slightly disappointed in her, but oh well. Babies are so cute.

Have any of you seen Ryo stick his foot in his mouth? I swear, he does it all the time, and it's quite hilarious. Even more so if you tease him about it and he gets flustered.

Oh...while I'm on embarrassing a few fantasies, Josh?