Friday, November 18, 2005

"I'm not going home alone, Cause I don't do too well on my own"

Ahh well it is Friday, night of late nights screwing around. Not literally. But instead of my normal routine of sit, read, fool around with the computer, I shall instead be a good girl and go to sleep at a normal time. Say, not 3:30 in the morning. There's a Quiz Bowl tournament tomorrow. I might actually get to play(seriously doubt it). Ryo says Quiz Bowl is sexist. I say just nobody likes me. Oh well. I'll deal.

Like I deal with Keenan calling me a fricken' goth. I believe I've already stated that I extremely dislike labels, especially goth. Yes, I wear a lot of black. Yes, there is a skull on my purse. Yes, I listen to my music a little loud. That, by definition, doesn't make me goth. Besides the fact that I don't want to be "goth," If I said I was goth now I would be considered a wanna-be goth. I do wear other colors besides black, and I wear blue jeans more often than not. Sorry, pet peeve.
Finding a picture for My Space is hard. I don't have a picture of me older than 12, except for my ID which looks like crap. There is one picture I considered from a friend's phone, but getting it off the phone would be difficult. The picture is labeled Tif's finger. Have I mentioned I dislike pictures? Oh wait, maybe that's considered obscene. Crap. And our digital camera's battery is dead. Well, not like anyone looks at this anyway.

I'm feeling less suicidal today. Today is a slightly happy day. I don't know why. Mood swings. Go figure. I didn't eat again today. No, I'm not anorexic, far from it. I'm not exactly skinny. I just don't have any money. I've had maybe three meals in the past two days, cause I don't eat breakfast.

I have just gotten an IM. Yippee! Not really. It's guy, who I currently want to smack. I hate when people randomly find my name and send me stuff with webcams or sexual thoughts in mind. Cue the I hate people.

I guess that's it. Not like my life is exciting or anything. It's just pressing. Pressing till you can't breath.
"Life is but a dream for the dead."


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