Saturday, November 26, 2005

"Put your ear to the speaker and choose love or sympathy but never both"

Whoa, loads has happened. Thanksgiving was horrible. I spent the day at my relatives. That was the first mistake. Besides really not liking my family, my father was there. And he had the nerve to talk to me. He had the guts to ask if I was still talking to him. I said no. Why would he think that if no one else on our side of the family was talking to him I would be the one to? This is the man who, after the last time I stopped talking to him, sent his elbow through the wall. Idiot. He acts as if he can still call himself my father even after all the crap. He ought to know that blood don't mean shit to me if you can't live up to it.

So I spent my time listening to my cousin ramble on about meaningless things. I think I freaked the family out though. I was contemplating dressing "goth" but I couldn't find the right clothes. Oh well, my brother called me goth, maybe that's enough to get them to leave me alone.

Grabbing the chance to stay the night at Ari's, we also saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I feel slightly disappointed. I mean, obviously, I expected the book to be way better but it seemed as if the whole storyline was rushed.

Today I recieved midterms. Intercepted is more like it. I managed to keep my mom from seeing. I have a C in Hon. Algebra 2 which is bad. It's one of those, screw up this screw up your life things. All because I forgot to do my homework once. Hopefully I can bring it up to a B. English is a B, which I need to actually bring up because I want to get into Honors next year. My B in Nutrition and Wellness is because I didn't turn in a 200 point muffin. Oh well it's still a 89%, so I don't have to do anything.

The only really good thing was Hon. Chemistry. I'm getting a fricken' A+. Yay! Much dancing! Ugg...I played DDR at Ari's. Apparently I suck as badly with people telling where to move as I normally do. I guess I'll forever be "sitting out dances on the wall." Sorry, Fall Out Boy has been stuck in my head all day.....they're addictive.
I feel strange, like I'm on the breaking point again. If I screw up in school I'm royally screwed. Life out the window, dreams gone forever. No pressure, honestly. Sometimes I wonder.....but I'm not supposed to. I must keep on track and not break under the weight. Grab the bar and pull myself up....too bad I always sucked at pull-ups.

I miss my cats Cotton and Kali. I had to give them up when we moved and it's been sinking in lately. I try not think about them, considering the people I left them with lost them the first day. I hope their happy. I'm sure not. Especially since my room has spiders in it. Cotton would have eaten them for me. Sorry, little humor to cheer me up. Hope it works.


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