Wednesday, November 23, 2005

"You only hold me up like this cause you don't know who i really am."

First off I'd like to give my blog "title names" credit to so far My chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy who are both awesome. Even if I do have to filter out the people who just listen to them because they became popular.
I'm getting quite worried. People actually back away from me in the hallways now. Personally I don't find loud music scary. I find the people who are in black lipstick and goth clothes just to be popular scary. No I'm not goth, I'm not punk, and I'm not fricken' emo......ok maybe a little emo. But it's not because I'm stereotypical. I could wear preppy clothes and stull be me....not that I ever would. Why spend so much on a pair of jeans with holes in them? I'd much rather prefer buying a $10 pair of jeans at Wal-Mart and making the holes myself. What I get from Hot Topic is rare and more of shirts. I pay money for the pants simply because I like pockets and they're long enough for my legs. But even so I only have one pair. I like the shirts though. And band tees. But I'm poor so those will have to wait.

I left my purse in Algebra 2 today. I feel brillant. Not really. I still haven't gotten used to carrying a purse. It's mainly there for my mp3 player and my phone.....and cards. Which I suppose I could carry, but my binder's fat enough as it is. But I almost got a trady and ran over like five different people sprinting through the halls.
May I say that I hate reading aloud. My throat seizes up and I'm terrified I'll slip up and say something stupid like Tyler saying sex instead of success. Unfortunately my luck, I'll slip up in Nutrition and Wellness where I will actually be made fun of. Not that I care, I just ignore them and write in my notebook. Or picture violent deaths for them. Crap, I'm supposed to be working on my anger management. I'm not allowed to do that anymore. Maybe I can pass it off as a relaxation technique....hmmm.

Mrs. Schott got onto me about saying pissed off. I was joking around saying I was pissed offf because I got a 96 on my Spanish test cause it was the lowest I had gotten. She asked me if I talked around my mom like that. At least she didn't say my dad. Then I would have had to tell her that if my dad ever did come around I would have to use actual "language."

The stars are quite pretty tonight. I find myself drawn to the Lynx constellation. It's only three stars but it's fun to contemplate who came up with the name and why. Other times it's enough to be surrounded in the greatness of it all. It sort of stinks because I live in the city now and the view isn't as good, but my window looks right out, so that's a plus.

I have a MySpace friend. Krista. This is strange. I didn't expect to have friends. It's probably because I posted on a forum. I don't know if I want to be noticed by people or not. I see others around the school saying "Wow, you're on MySpace." What if someone asks me about what I write about here? That would be awkward. Awkwardness is fickle and can go either way. People terrify me.

"Light a match to leave me be." - Fall Out Boy


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