Friday, December 02, 2005

"Exaggerating the barrier between who I am, and who I want to be."

I haven't posted all week so naturally I have lots to write about. It only seems that I have forgotten what over the course of five days. Hence, I must bring myself back to Monday. Nothing important went on.

Except QuizBowl. That was the day Rachel said she thought it was awesome when I had started wearing stuff from Hot Topic. She commented on how I looked before.....though she didn't get it right. I now know a new view of myself: a good girl who started to dress different. Not that I act different. Or listen to different music.....actually I don't think I've changed. My "style" has just simply become my own. Although Hot Topic is awesome......f.y.e. too.

I have brought my C in Algebra 2 up to a 83. I'm ecstatic. All the worrying, crap I'm going to screw up my life, drama is over. I am happy with a B.

Chemistry has been awesome. This whole chapter is amazingly fun. Balancing chemical equations and all the rest of the math just makes me feel at ease. I'm in my forte.

It snowed Thursday. Brilliant. I'm in love with snow. It's miraculous. The compostition of it can't be compared. How do you get water to be so devilishly soft, yet not be a liquid? Anyway, it made my week.

Today was slightly not good. After feeling the tension again in my Nutrition and Wellness class, I began to feel really light-headed. It's been that way all week. It's been recommended that I actually eat breakfast and remember to eat dinner at the risk of becoming "anorexic" like Ryo. Pfft. I'm not anorexic. Just slightly scatterbrained.

I find myself spacing off more lately. Sam says I've become quiet at lunch, which I guess is true. I just have so much to think about and never enough time. Invite insomnia.

We had to turn these lovely sonnets of doom for English today. Normally I can pop a poem out of my head quickly, but add rules and I go blank. Hence my poem was a load of crap. I made it sound like it was written for stage fright, or at least could be mistaken for. I hid my true meanings under metaphors and vague sentences. Then again, I always do. Nothing different. Jon laughed at it when he read it. But I think it's because I told him not to. I feel like a dork when people read my poems or songs. And I have one posted up on the English room wall that I hope no one ever notices. It has a hidden meaning too.

But like I said, everything does.


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