Wednesday, December 07, 2005

"They call kids like us vicious and carved out of stone."

I am now depressed. I was entirely happy. Till some freshman asked me if I was depressed. He called me goth yesterday too. Oh well, I found him annoying in the first place.

Then I was drawing on my arm in English with Ari's sharpie. Just to be a dork cause I stole it. Honestly, she stole my pencil from my hair first. And Tyler told me I shouldn't cut. Which was entirely stupid. I don't cut and never will. So, to laugh it off, and at Ryo's suggestion, I drew a little pair of scissors cutting along on dotted line on my arm.

So now I'm sad. The movie in Child Development was horrible too. It was about a girl that had been sexually abused and was now disturbed to the point of killing. Yeah it affected me pretty bad. Sorry, can't tell why, but it did. It was....horrifying.

Food stamps finally came in so we have loads of food in the house now. Truthfully I could probably bring a group of guys over and still have food left over afterward.

It'll snow tomorrow. That'll cheer me up. I'll come home after QuizBowl and spend an eternity staring at it. That's just me.

The news on my sidebar is somber. Everything is these days. It seems as if everything is going downhill.

Grab my chance at life. Never stop to look behind. Keep moving. Try not to trip and fall.
Fall down.


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