Monday, December 19, 2005

"Your words are deadly weapons Killing me, destroying me Your words are deadly weapons"

Call me crazy. Call me a bitch. I don't care. But it hurts when someone makes fun of me through my music. Some boys being asses in Band decided to call out band names and say they sucked, picking ones they heard on my mp3 player or off my MCR T-shirt. My first thought was why would someone do something like that. Then I began to feel sad for them. How childish do you have to be to pick on someone else for something so stupid? Oh well. People.

The ongoing joke of me being a cutter is now beginning to bother me. Even though it's just Ryo. I'm falling down. I have to get a 96 on my Honors Algebra 2 final to keep an A. How horrible. Spanish should be easy.


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