Wednesday, January 11, 2006

"Don't make it look so pretty burning"

Grr... I'm sick. I can't think clearly, which is bad considering the mound of homework. I get extremely lightheaded every time I stand. I have a feeling that's not good. So I am at home currently, doing loads of sleeping and popping aspirin. If chewing can be considered popping.

Even though I am probably going to overdose on aspirin, I still have managed to keep an enormous headache. Here I thought aspirin was supposed to get rid of things like that. At least my stomach feels better. Yesterday it felt like someone had shot me in it. And of course the nurse was sick. So I got to wait for fifteen minutes clutching my stomach in pain while other students wanting to get out of class buzzed around. One tried to up her temperature with a heating pad. And as if I wanted to be there the guidance lady asked me if I wanted to go home.
I wanted to reply that no I didn't want to go home, I wanted to stay in class, be nauseous, and frantically try to rip out my stomach.

I dislike being sick. I've gone to the nurse three times in my life. Once a teacher made me. Last year I turned deathly white and became I guess what you could call faint. I think I should have looked in the mirror while I could. I'm so naturally dark it puzzles me to think what I would look like if I were really pale.

So here I am, rambling about nothing. I think the insanity is a side effect of the aspirin. I hope. My mom told me I still have to wash dishes today, and give the dog a bath. I hope to duck out of giving the dog a bath, at least.

I've been lighting and blowing out candles all day. My trusty lighter has been stolen from my desk and I believe my mother may have been the one to do it. Which means she is smoking again. I know she's been stealing cigarettes from my brother. I must stop this. I made her quit smoking months ago, but I allowed her one at Thanksgiving for obvious reasons. Now she is back on them. At least she isn't buying her own. I told her at very least we couldn't afford that.

I must switch over my poems today. I had been keeping them in a inconspicous black notebook, how cliche, but Mary, my sister-in-law, gave me a small, cool looking blank book thing that I have slowly been moving them to. I must completely move them soon; I haven't been carrying either with me to school, and my mind has bursting to get out.

Oh. I have not said anything about the weekend. I have not, indeed, met Jordan. Things got screwed up and he pulled out. Much dancing for me. Although DJ and Heather are now more stubborn than ever.

I also was almost sliced open by flying cds and video cassettes. Heather's dad got extremely pissed with his tv and threw them everywhere. Talk about terrifying. I imagine my eyes were bigger than plates.

Ah ha! I have found my lighter. It is in the drawer. Now who would go and put it in a silly place like that? I now must go find a candle to stick in my room. It smells stuffy.


Blogger Ryo said...

Candles cause soot. Soot can contaminate indoor areas. Contamination must be sterilized.

I'm curious to find out who this "Jordan" is. Sounds shallow.

I hate shallow people.

8:41 PM  

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