Wednesday, January 04, 2006

"I'm melting in your eyes like my first time that I caught fire."

Hello people in this new place. That's right. I have decided to grow a spine. All previous posts here were from my MySpace blog. I have moved where people can see me. And it's terrifying. But I shall push through.

Let me explain a few things. I use lyrics for my titles from numerous bands. I'm still working on this blog so it may change style often. Time to put my rusty HTML skills back to work.

I won't pretend that this is all of what I think or this defines me. To know me it actually involves talking. Though you might find out some things here that you couldn't find out otherwise.

My fascination with fire is what the topic is today. People call me a pyromaniac, and I take it. I do tend to play with fire and burn things, though never recklessly. It's interesting to watch and I enjoy watching the effects. Although this, by definition, does not make me a pyromaniac. I do not need to burn things. It does not give me a release that I can't live without. And just because I have a lighter in my purse is does not mean I'm an arsonist.

Fire itself I find slightly overrated and at the same time underestimated. People say fire was the greatest invention, yet we do not use it that often. I believe heat is more important than fire.

Still I am drawn to it. Lighting candles is my favorite activity. Even since I burned my finger.

I have painted my nails black again. Why? Not to be stereotypical certainly. Actually I find out of the three nail polishes taht I own, it is the thickest and stays on the longest. It also tastes nasty. Hence, the logical conclusion, I'm trying to get rid of my nailbiting habit. Though I'm not half as bad as the people who bite them until they bleed. I shudder at the thought.

I find myself to be idiotic today. I found that I'm able to plug my speakers into my mp3 player and play music. My mom said that it would work, and I, doubting her knowledge of anything electronical, didn't listen. But I tried it. And she's right. My mom is the person who has difficulty using self-checkouts and has broken many, though she's getting better.

Now I must go to play with my HTML and maybe refresh some knowledge.


Blogger Ryo said...

You should trust your mother.

Shame on you.

5:42 PM  

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