Tuesday, January 17, 2006

"Someone save my soul tonight, please save my soul."

Ok, pet peeve ranting time. Don't you all enjoy it.

I was stealing Jon's seat in Algebra to annoy him, as always, and Rachel told me to "quit flirting." I can not count how many times people think that when I joke around with a guy it's automatically because I'm flirting. But I brushed Rachel off and said that I wasn't flirting.

Only to sit down and have Jaki tell me that Jon liked someone else. Once again, not flirting. Don't really care who Jon likes. And I told her as much. I don't understand why I can't joke around with a guy and it be innocent with no thoughts of getting together with him. Besides the fact that Jon would be one of the last people I would consider flirting with.

It's like that with any guy I try to be friends with. I've been asked why I flirt with Josh. Hello! Not flirting. Asked about Ryo. Asked about numerous other guy friends at the school. Asked about my friend in fourth grade. A guy on the bus in fifth. And even my cousin. Eww. That one's gross. It's like people think I'm so desperate to get a guy that anytime I'm talking with one I have to be flirting.

Notice to all those insane people: I rarely flirt. When I do, it's outside of school with guys I really don't know. I flirt with waiters and the guys at Hot Topic when I go there. Otherwise, I don't flirt. And if a guy is one of my friends, I usually don't consider him someone to flirt with. I don't flirt with any guy that I've known longer than a week.

I hate that I had to use flirt so much. It bugs me when there is such repitition in my insane babbling.

In other news, I forgot my Music Theory homework, my speech outline again, and various other small things.

Hair pulling time.

Today I spent an entire Chemistry period in a group with Russell. Now, while I have heard much about Russell through other people, I have not actually had any contact with him. I must say, some things I found annoying. Like the fact that he felt the need to spit out a random fact that we all already knew and then ask us if we knew that.

I also had the slight moment of shortness. Russell is quite tall. Andrew is quite tall. Both had to bend slightly to see the line of the gas-collection tube. Ryo was just the right right. I, of course, had to stand on my tip toes. Grr....tall people.

My stupid sneeze. I have this funny high pitched sneeze that everyone feels the need to laugh at or call "cute." Sneezes can not be cute! So when I sneezed in Spanish, Krista started laughing. Apparently she still remembers it from English last semester. Lovely. She said I sounded like a Pokemon.

Any other sneezes today were desperately held in. I'm proud to say that I didn't sneeze anymore and hope that I never will again.


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