Saturday, January 14, 2006

"This broken city sky like butane on my skin"

Ok, I lied. I said that I would play around with this blog, but I have yet to actually do so.

I watched Red Eye today. My family rented it. I thought it was going to be a horror film but it turned out that it leaned more towards the suspense genre. So I must continue my long journey to find a movie that will actually give me the chills and scare me. I have been having quite a hard time. I do not seem to be grossed out by gore, and the only thing that makes me jump are loud, sudden noises. Still, I shall proceed with my quest.

I have yet to touch my homework this weekend. I simply have not had time. Though I might have woken up slightly earlier this morning. Noon seems to be unacceptable for most people. However, I am not as far behind in Chemistry as I first percieved. I must finish a worksheet, and a lab by Monday. Then I shall take a quiz, do a discovery, and a worksheet and I will be completely caught up. Nevermind, that's sounds like a lot more than I originally thought. Depressing.

Heather read my poetry book. The new one that I have been transferring all my slightly less embarrassingly awful poems to. She didn't comment on them, though at first she asked if it was a diary. I was taken aback. Would people think that if I started to carry it around on a daily basis? Ari has already decided to try and get her hands on it. I don't think I could ever keep a diary. Too many secrets out in the open. In a blog I can at least hide behind all my daily activities. I don't feel the need to write all that I think.

Writing calms me. At least when it comes to poetry. Even though my main reason for despising English is writing, poetry seems to hold a different effect over me. It's not something I can easily explain. Poetry gives me a chance to say everything I want to and not have it mean anything. And have it mean everything. It can follow a rhythm, so that it flows like music. I can have a song pounding through my head and find that my poems contain the same pattern.

Both Ari and Ryo have asked me if I wish to have a link. Considering that they are the only two that I think even have the notion of this blog, it is another step. I know for a fact that if Ryo were to put a link on his page plenty of people would know.

I haven't told Heather. I don't know why. She's my best friend. I tell her almost everything. Excluding what I tell no one. I should tell Heather. She won't think it's a big deal. It isn't really. I feel almost strange, like I am following a fad by keeping a blog. Which isn't something I would normally do. I like to step out, and I hate following. Though I also hold leading in contempt. I'm happy being invisible, but I wish for someone to notice.

The mind of a teenage girl is very conflicting.

Or insane. I have yet to be able to distinguish which it is.

So now I shall float by, eyes down, far from the sky, wishing for something more.


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