Saturday, February 25, 2006

"I tear my heart open, I sow myself shut My weakness is that I care too much"

Thanks for the comments...I think.

You people are strange. Just a fact. It's an effect of being a person.

Yeah, today is my monthly against humanity post.

Not really.

The three person team I was on today won second place at a Spelling Bee. Go us. However, we got sucky prizes. The third place people got a limo ride.

If I had known that we would have thrown a word.

My mom just gave me my mail. It was from the League of American Poets. About a month ago I entered three of my poems in three different competitions.
This one wanted to publish my poem. Apparently it was very creative. I liked the sentimental touch to the note. It was handwritten, not typed like everything else. Yay. I also got a review on one of my poems at Someone else likes my poems. Yay again.

Maybe they're not as horrible as I think.

It's nice to know I'm good at something.

Even if I have no clue how I do it.


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