Sunday, February 05, 2006

"The sun came through the leaves and lit them like it was on fire, right at sunset"

Grr...I couldn't get on all yesterday to post. On the brightside I have just discovered where my poem book has been hiding for the past few days, so now I may actually go over to and post them. Which I shall do once I'm done writing this.

My father came and picked up Heather today. At least I didn't have to see him. I did see the piece of crap truck that he originally wanted to buy me. I wouldn't pay five dollars for it. In fact, I'd pay five dollars for it to be pushed to the bottom of the ocean. Did I mention my father was saying, oh you'll love it it'll run great? Did I also mention this is the truck he owned a week before the engine giving out.

He also gave me a card. "Been thinking of you.." and twenty dollars. Fucking coward.

Ok, happier subject.

I have no clue what my ensemble even recieved yesterday at contest. Although the freshman played the same song that we played last year. It made me feel more prideful. Pride=one of the 7 deadly sins. Baaaadddd. But either they suck or we were really awesome last year. (Or we sucked and just thought we played great, but shh!)

The thought of going to school seems strange. Almost as if it shouldn't happen. School always seems to be something out of the ordinary, even though it's not. It doesn't seem to be a part of my routine.

On Friday, I will have money to buy me a truck. If I get what I want, I'll be extremely happy. All I know is that, March I'll be in Driver's Ed and be able to drive further than the mailbox. Yippee!

This seems like such a simple teenagerish thing. But I've always wanted to drive and it's fun. I also feel pleasure in knowing that I'm made happy by a small thing. It doesn't take gold and jewels and money to please me.

Just driving lessons.

Now, I feel the need to leave. It's 8:00 and I have half an hour to frantically type as many poems as possible and maybe link them to here. Then, a shower.

Not that any of you really needed to know that.


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