Sunday, March 12, 2006

"In a perfect world this could never happen in a perfect world you'd still be here"

I'm an utterly brilliant genius.

The sound on my computer now works.

Because I fixed it.

Because I'm a genius.

Granted, it took me a little under a year, but that was mostly because I was lazy. So shh! Let me bask in my brilliance.

I dyed my hair half black. Again. This time it's less streaky. However, after blowdrying my hair, I see no difference. hair is too dark. Now I'll just have even more people saying my hair is black.

But I don't care. You wanna know why?

Because I'm a genius.

I'm also the only person in Honors classes that wears black "gothic/punk/whatever else" clothes. I have noticed this. It seems that any females are preppy or wear "normal" clothes. This depresses me.

It almost makes me sad for the true gothy people at our school. None of them are represented in the intelligent area.

It almost makes me want to become a goth just to show people that way of dress doesn't define the person.

But then again, I guess I already do that. Plus, I couldn't live with wearing black all the time. It'd be too weird. And it wouldn't be me.

Heaven forbid I don't act like myself. Last time that happened I was head to toe pink.

Wow. Anyone who reads this must think I'm really screwed up in the head. Maybe I am.

My last post consisted of myself yelling at myself for being an idiot.

Now I'm calling myself a genius.


I must be on something. I am uncharacteristically waaaaay too hyper.

It happens.

But it shall never remove my heightened intelligence. That earned me sound.

I won't be deaf anymore! At least, until the loud music finally begins to affect my ears. But I don't care right.

You know why?

That's right, cause I'm a genius.


Blogger Josh said...

Wow, someone seems to be a little conceded.

6:31 PM  
Blogger Josh said...


1:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you bloody genius; I'll have you know that you are not the only one who wears black clothing/all black clothing in the honors classes. I am in honors and I do wear black clothing occasionally. It doesn't matter anyway. It is just a color of clothing; does anyone even follow any of those stupid quotes? "Don’t judge a book by its cover", don’t judge a person till you walk a mile in their shoes". Everyone knows them but everybody doesn't know them. It could be that everyone is in the mindset that "everyone is looking at them and judging them" when mostly they are more concerned about themselves.

2:34 PM  

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