Tuesday, March 14, 2006

"I've made a commitment I'm willing to bleed for you I needed fulfillment I found what I need in you"

Blah. Blah. Blah.

That is all I hear come out of some people's mouths. It's quite interesting how easy it is to doze off during Speech class.

I did not wear black today besides the normal watch, necklace, shoes and fingernails. People felt the need to comment. I felt the need to strangle them.

Not really. It's just that a couple people seem to think if I don't wear black something must be wrong with me.

People confused me. Twice today. It was strange.

In one of my classes this guy was staring at me. I may have mentioned before, I'm slightly paranoid when people stare at me.

I felt someone looking at me. Using my peripheral vision I was able to pick this guy out. He's cute, but according to a friend's opinion, an asshole. So I glanced casually, sweeping my eyes across the room as if I were bored. He kept looking at me. I kept thinking. What the hell? I just caught you staring at me. Why the fuck are you still looking?

Nerves began to kick in. Maybe I looked incredibly stupid in that moment.

What did I do?

Pretended to engrossed in my pencil and thanked god when the teacher turned off the lights for the movie.

I'm so pathetic.

Then, I was on my way back from grabbing pretzels and mints from the vending machine. This was after school, and I had already dropped off my mp3 player in the Quiz Bowl room. May I also say that I was not wearing black. I had left my purse in the room also. No reason for anyone to notice me.

Yet I hear my name said behind me as I move towards the corner for the stairs.

I had noticed a few kids on the middle section of the commons on my way there but had thought nothing of them on my way back, as I was opening my pretzel bag.

I turned around at my name. With a pretzel stuffed in my mouth. I quickly swallowed as the girl asked me if my name was Tiffany.

Now, the girl was with maybe three guys who were more or less dressed in black shirts and pants. I suppose you could call them gothic, maybe emo. I wouldn't know. I recognized one as the guy who feels the need to wear the same My Chemical Romance T-shirt I have on the exact same day I do.

I said yes, then stopped for a second. She said ok, she thought she was right. I shrugged and scurried off to the stairs.

Honestly, I have never seen this girl in my life. Ever. I have no idea where she would get my name. If it was a guess it was one in a million considering I think there are two other Tiffanys and they're both blonde.

Seriously, did something happen that I don't know about? Did my face get plastered on some wall that says: Tiffany, the freak show. Stop and Stare.

Freaky people. Grr....this will bug me for days.


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