Monday, March 06, 2006

"Touched by angels though, I fall out of grace"

I really need to post more often.

Today was...thoughtful.

My mother was watching some idiotic MTV show. The girl had to choose the guy after two dates. Surprise, surprise, she picked the one that cooked for her.

Not that I'd be any different. Honestly, advice to any guys: cooking will get you everywhere. It's not even the food, just the gesture. The cooking could be horrible and I'd still be happy. (Assuming the guy had a back-up plan like sandwiches.) It's something about the fact that when women were supressed, we were made to cook. Cooking for a woman shows you respect her and think she's more important to you than your own self.

Basically, in the words of Sam:


I've realized how lucky I am to have a true best friend. I mean it's something that really makes me glad. Plenty of girls can brag about boyfriends, but not that many about best friends.

True, I have many best friends, but Heather takes the cake. I feel I can tell her anything and I do. We share the same tastes, but also have a few guilty pleasures. Better yet, she's someone I can act like a total dork around and not feel stupid. Plus, she'll act like a dork with me.

It also makes me realize that I don't talk that much. I have an interrupting problem because I can never seem to start a conversation, and if I want to talk to someone, I find it hard to insert in the right place. When I try to say something, I'm ignored. This happens to me often. It feels lonely, that no one pays attention.

I could probably go all day without talking to anyone besides Heather, Ari, Ryo, or Josh. Though I could probably play Josh and Ari off one another, and not sit near them at lunch. I don't think I could avoid Ryo, considering he's my lab partner and all. Maybe if I was extremely quiet in Band and it wasn't a lab day.

I guess that's why I feel glad Heather's my friend. I know that, withholding special circumstances, we will talk to each other every school day.

The summary of my weekend:

Friday: slept

Saturday: Got fifth in QuizBowl tournament, Zach has an enormous head

Sunday: Dosed with NyQuil. Best sleep in years.

Monday: Died from exhaustion and stupidity. Glancing quite often at the NyQuil bottle. Very tempted.


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