Tuesday, March 21, 2006

"Without it all, I'm choking on nothing, it's clear in my head and I'm screaming for something, knowing nothing is better than knowing at all"

Short post. Homework. Uggh.

I finally remembered to pick up the Quiz Bowl suckers that we are supposed to sell to raise money for nationals.

My incentive: beat Zach.

The score so far: 11-5

Guess who's winning?

That's right, we all know I rule.

Not that I'll be going to nationals anyway. It's going to be around $360. Hah! As if I could afford that. Granted, if we cut it really tight, and saved enormously....we might get half way there. It's selfish to even think about asking my mom for it, considering she's spitting out money for my Driver's Ed. Oh well. Maybe next year. If I'm still there.

Nothing else special. Oh, a kid in my chemistry class said he'd rather buy a sucker from Ryo than me. After I called him my hero, the nerve! No actually, I'd probably be the same, but it was still fun to tease him. Hey, he picked on me first. Sort of. Maybe not. Whoops....oh well. It was still fun. Cheered my day up.

Not that it was sad, just boring.

Activity period. 30 minutes of sitting. Bugging Pfaff. Who was not entertaining me, but drawing in his barn door. Grr.....

Stack of homework calls. Must write speech. Got to give it tomorrow. So screwed. Must go fix that. Tired of writing without subjects. Have to go now.


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