Sunday, April 02, 2006

"I took a shot and didn't even come close, at trust and love and hope. And the poets are just kids who didn't make it, who never had it at all"

Hah! Me, a Cinderella? As if. First, I would make a terrible Cinderella. I had to sew a pair of pants up today. I was too lazy to get out the machine, so I decided to do it by hand. Without a thimble. One thumb is throbbing and another finger is full of many holes.

Second, by tomorrow my mom will be back home. I can go back to being the lazy child who always sneaks out of dishes.

I am now all grown up. I crossed the street by myself. Yep.

My scatter-brained mother left us with no mayonnaise. The lady in the dollar general kept staring at me. Granted, I did take a long time to grab the mayonnaise. But I wasn't shoplifting! I was debating on crackers.

Don't ask. Female cravings are weird.

Ok, so I took a long time. And fiddled with my purse to get money out. And I am sort of young. As much as I hate to say it, I don't actually look like a goody two shoes who would never steal.

Still, people shouldn't jump to conclusions. It's not nice.

So, now I am writing, flipping back between Ryo's e-mail and writing this. Pondering.

My room is silent. Weird. That must be fixed.

I have yet to kill the mom hid the broom.

Ok, now I'm just bored. I read all my library books. Reread two. Played guitar, the piano, wrote poetry, got back on the internet, stared at the ceiling. For pete's sake, I practiced my clarinet. That's boredom.

School is tomorrow. Crap, school is tomorrow.

Well, at least I won't be bored. Sorry for the random drabness of this post.


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