Sunday, April 02, 2006

"A meaning buried under shuttered breathing, Its taking too long for me to spit it out"

Ok, I am less insane.

My new neighbors just moved in, no more loud music.

I realized that I am completely different with my home and school life. It's strange. It's not as if I am more myself in either of those two places, I'm just different.

I suppose it's because I feel more comfortable in my home environment. I don't have to worry about saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. At home I don't really talk at all. Then again, if my friends aren't by, I don't really talk at school either.

I'm more relaxed at home. I spend my time thinking of various things or reading. At school everything is busy and I have no time to think, except for English and Speech class.

I feel somewhat sorry for my student teacher in English. She tries too hard. The kids are always picking on her. I personally have a hard time listening to her read. She's tries to fast and stumbles everywhere. But she's nice. Just inexperienced. It's horrible for her, mostly because we're doing A Tale of Two Cities right now. I think I may be one of the only people who's actually read a few chapters.

I had only skimmed most of it, but she forced us to "catch up" in class. Which means fifty minutes of silently reading. Needless to say, I went from chapter ten to chapter twenty-two. Now I'm ahead of the class. Which is frustrating.

It makes it so much easier to space out. And I try not to do that when the teacher's are nice.

Oh well.


Blogger Ryo said...

*wonders what Tif is like at home*

5:41 PM  

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