Saturday, April 08, 2006

"What the hell is wrong with me? Don't fit in with anybody, how did this happen to me?"

I'm not sociable.

I'm not that intelligent.

I'm not that interesting.

So why do I have friends?

This occured to me today. I was talking with Jaki and a freshman named Tommy. They were commenting on their lack of the ability to make friends with kids in their grade.

It started me thinking when I said I didn't know how I recieved friends in my grade. They just gravitated toward me.

But really, how did I do it? I don't especially remember ever thinking, "Ok, I'm going to become this person's friend." It just happened. Without me realizing it.

To think back, middle school was....not so great for me. I left a group of friends, which was actually good. Joined another group which eventually dwindled down to three people. One moved, and one just happened to screw my life over. And I apologized for it.

Me. Apologize. When I thought I was right. See the problem?

She didn't accept.

Wow, how more could you piss me off?

I'm actually a very forgiving person. I will let people walk all over me, as previously discussed. But let me say, when I hold a grudge, it sticks. Indefinitely.

Anyways, I was left with one of the three. Heather. The only one left and my current best friend.

Only somehow, I reached high school. And I seem to do a lot better. As long as I stay away from the middle school torturers, I do really amazingly well.

Not counting the two girls from foods. Or Brady.

But for the first time in my life, it's ok if three of my friends are sick at the same time, or if I'm stuck in a foreign lunch.

And it's weird to realize I don't even try. So I'm just sitting here wondering how these people came to be my friends.

Because, believe me, if I knew, I probably wouldn't be so damn shy in the classes that I'm all alone in.

"Wide awake and I can't fall asleep, and every night is the worst night ever."


Blogger Ryo said...

Well, if you want to know why I drifted toward you, it's because you're so collected.

Yes, yes, you may like to believe that you are "scatter-brained", but in reality, you really aren't that scattered in comparison to your peers.

Read the emails you send me, and you'll see what I mean.

Plus, you think like I do. Andrew thinks like me too, which is why I enjoy talking to him as well. Conversations are just so much more interesting when people think alike.

Then, factor in the fact that we just happened to sit next to each other in band.

And you've got instant positive relationship!

6:50 AM  

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