Monday, May 08, 2006

"And I can feel my heart beat racin'. As I realize what I must do. Get away from you."

Time is so very relative. I could spend my time on a video game and hours pass. I could spend a similar amount of time contemplating life. Time travels so slowly then. Granted, time isn't the one traveling I suppose. Technically it would be our bodies moving through time.

I wonder if it is the result of some chemistry in the brain that causes such differences in concept of time. Certain classes speed away, yet others drag on forever.

My mom will be home at six. It is now 5:34. But will it seem to be a half hour away or more? Probably less, seeing how I'm typing on this blog. Time always seems to move so quickly then.

My poems recieved three little review things on One said it's obvious I have talent. This is strange. I don't ever think I have talent. I don't believe I have talent. Talent is a strange word. It exudes that you aren't trying purposefully.

Ari tried to read my poems out of my book. Strangely, I didn't want her to read them. I think it partly has to do with the fact that there was an unfinished poem in the back. I desperately hate people to read things I haven't finished. It makes me feel as if they haven't fully been expressed and explained, so one might take them the wrong way.

Now, I must leave as my mum will be home soon, though how soon I don't know, and I am also typing with a peculiar pain in my right ring finger. It's quite irritating when I type with it.

All in all, I had a good day at school. The first one in a while. I enjoyed it. I smiled more. I like smiling.

"I know you feel alone yeah and no one else can figure you out
But don't you ever turn away from the ones that help you down
Well they'd love to save you don't you know they love to see you smile
But these colors that you've shined are surely not your style" Crossfade - Colors


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

7:38 AM  

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