Monday, May 01, 2006

"I tried to be perfect, but nothing was worth it. I don't believe it makes me real. I thought it'd be easy, but no one believes me."

I said I'd talk about prejudice. But I realize this would stir up a lot of emotions for me. Besides the fact that I've almost positively have already ranted on discrimination and the other problems I have with this specific subject.

So instead we shall talk about something else.

My humiliation in Music Theory. No, nevermind. It wasn't that bad.


The wind is quite interesting. How does wind blow? If it is all particles, then how did it originally pick up speed? If you said that it happens by moving particles that would be leading back to the chaos theory. If you didn't believe the chaos theory how would you explain wind? How do they explain wind?

I have to give a speech on doctor-assisted suicide. I'm supposed to persuade the audience that it shouldn't be legalized. Considering, if it were legalized, it would be abused and eventually affect our lifespan, as old people would just be "Oh, I'm in pain! Kill me!" Or their money-grabbing descendents would be "Oh, you're old and costing too much money. Let's Kill him/her!"

Idiots. As if that wouldn't happen if it were legalized.

People abuse power. I'm pretty sure we all do, at least once in our lives.

I almost bit through my lip during Chemistry. Because of something as simple as a misspelling. I didn't want to say anything because the last time I did everyone kept, well almost, attacking me about it. Spelling is one of my pet peeves. Unfortunately, I do have some of those. Usually they are unnoticeable items, such as slow people in the hallways.

That's all for now, I suppose. I shall put up a new video in a second.


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