Wednesday, May 31, 2006

"You're gone away. I'm left alone. A part of me is gone, and I'm not moving on, so wait for me. I know the day will come...I'll meet you there."

So in about an hour I'm off to another Quiz Bowl practice.
Then tomorrow I venture out into the unknown. Washington, D.C.

I have many plans for the D.C. trip, part of which I cannot say on here. I don't think Zach comes anywhere near my blog, but to be safe I will not say anymore than the fact that he will be playing a part in my fun.

Unfortunately, my fake spider plans for Mike have been ruined. I cannot seem to get on my hands on a good fake spider.

My cat chirps like a bird. Angel, the fat cat, that is. She is currently sitting on my windowsill talking to the birds. And maybe the squirrels. Strange.

She spent the entire night sleeping on my suitcase. Shadow was cuddled next to me in bed. We might have a serious problem with the fact that I'm leaving for so long. My animals are very attached. I know the dog will be sad, but then again, she gets depressed when I leave for a weekend.

Speaking of animals, I have manipulated my mother once more. A sad, cutesy, Disney movie with puppies and a few encouraging words. I'm quite sneaky.

I'm getting a puppy/kitten. Actually, technically I should say my sister is getting a puppy/kitten, but we said that with the last cat and he ended up still liking me better. What can I say? Animals love me.

Let's just hope my mom doesn't have too much time to think about it while I'm gone. Plus, I have to hide anything in my room that I don't want moved. And I'm changing my password for everything so she doesn't get too curious and find this blog. Not that it would matter too much. She would just worry that some guy was going to come to my house and rape me because I own a blog.

Granted, while that may happen to some people, I'm not that stupid. So far my only stalker is Fluffy(a.k.a. Ryo). And I think he could find me without my blog. Considering he knows where I live and stuff.

Note for all people who are not used to my weirdness: Ryo is not actually stalking me; he only seems to be in way too many of my classes.


Blogger Ryo said...


A half-and-half species? Like a Putty, or a Kippy?

I knew you were better at biochemistry then I.

9:20 PM  
Blogger Josh said...

Yes, I was wondering about that... I didn't know that you knew your way around a gene splicer. Hm... you should share some of your research with me. Perhaps we can make a Ryo/Brady hybrid!

Now, excuse me while I go shoot myself in the foot for saying that.

9:23 AM  

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