Wednesday, June 28, 2006

"I dare you to tell me to walk through the fire."

So two days, not much has happened. I end this semester of summer school on Friday.

I applied at two Subways. I haven't gotten any notice back.

And the kitten has....disappeared apparently. Again. I swear this thing is Houdini. You look away for a split second and it is gone. It's also brave. Or very reckless. Rose will dive bomb off of practically anything.

I feel bad that my posts don't have anymore insightful thoughts to them, but to tell you the truth, it's summer. Summer means relaxing. Not pondering. Usually if I ponder, it's light, brief thoughts. Nothing worth telling.

Stupid things, like if a calculator calculates 5+6 or if it merely pulls up the output for that input. Although that would mean that there would have to be many inputs it would have to store the outputs for. Plus the random number button wouldn't work, as Ryo informed me. He and Rachel said it calculates, which does make more sense. It just leads me on to how does it specifically calculate. The inner workings of inventions have begun to seep into my thoughts. Probably the side effect of reading too much Popular Science.

I'm buying my graphing calculator tomorrow. We're actually going to buy something from eBay. That terrifies me. I'd rather use the old-fashioned thing called a store. But we can save around fifty bucks, so eBay it is. Still, I am wary. Especially after I heard the story about the picture of an Xbox 360. Apparently someone bought it for $600. They thought it was a real Xbox, but they still had to pay for it because in the description it said it was only a picture.

Only one word for people who don't read the description: dumbass.

I talked to Sam for the first time in a while today, mostly because Ryo had to give Ben a ride home, so I was waiting for my mom alone. Be so glad when I can drive.

Ack! The kitten jumped on the keyboard. Loser.

Anyways, talking with Sam was fun.

Well, I suppose this is it. I can think of nothing else to talk about. My mindless summer continues.


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