Sunday, July 30, 2006

"If all we are is a mistake, then what's the point of all of this?"

Quicky post.

I'm back from Warped Tour with a few signed items, a foam middle finger, a sunburn, an aching neck, and wonderful memories.

But that info will come later. All I have time for is a short rant.

My mom and I stopped at the dollar store across the street today in order to grab hot dog buns. The electricity had mysteriously gone out, and we were left with only what we could cook on the stove. So we were going to have chili dogs.

Anyways, we got in line and were second.

The first thing that jumped out at me from the guy at the counter buying his various things was his height. He towered over me by at least a foot. His vivid red shirt contrasted deeply against his dark skin and short black hair.

But that's not my rant. Although, I suppose I could go on about feeling short compared to this guy, but I don't really quite care about my height.

The point is, our dollar store has a continuous donation box for supporting literacy. The donation box had about twenty pennies in it at that point in time. Normally my mother and I give any change we have into the box unless we pay with the debit card, because then we don't have any.

The cashier rung up the guy's total. It ended coming to some amount of dollars and one cent in change. The cashier asked him if he would like to donate his penny to fighting against illiteracy. He said no and took the penny.

What the hell? What kind of person can't spare one penny? Especially when this guy wasn't dirt poor. His clothes were nice and well kept, and he had nice shoes. Not someone who counts every single penny.

Even though we were paying with a debit card, I pulled a dollar bill out of my pocket and stuck it in the box.

Stupid asshole. I hope he magically forgets how to read. And then I hope no one teaches him how to read. He can be illiterate for the rest of his life. And I hope no one will donate a penny to him so he can learn how to read.

Dum duh dum da duh...

On the brighter side, the new video is going to be an Armor for Sleep video, someone I saw on Warped Tour.


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