Tuesday, July 25, 2006

"So keep breathing, ‘cause I’m not leaving. Hold on to me and never let me go."

"I'm bouncing off the walls again
And I'm looking like a fool again."

I hung without Ryan, Rachel and Ryo on Sunday. Funny, I'm the only that doesn't have a name starting with R.


Anyways. Spent all my money on food. Indian food. It was actually pretty good. Except for the stuff that looked like green applesauce. Which we later decided was ground up jalapenos.

No more touching anything green and suspicious looking for me.

Strange how my life seems to go so fast at times. Like this summer. If you can call it a summer. Most of it's been school.

But I was informed today that my birthday is less than a month away. I'll hit that supposedly special day. Though I suppose it's special in the sense that I'm getting my permit.

But other than that I'm merely a year older. I have around eight months before people start looking at me weird again everytime I say my age. Of course, lots of that will probably come with the beginning of school again.

Beginning of school. New teachers, new people. More teaching teachers to say my last name correctly. More filling out information cards. More desperately trying to find the fastest way to my next class. More tripping over people. A new wave of freshman to stand in the middle of the hallways. New paths for me to follow to class. New people to say that I shouldn't cause myself to go deaf so quickly.

Yet, the old things will still be there, though some will come back changed.

Including me.

We go away for a summer and come back different. Back to a different world. And by the first few months of school, we will all be settled back into routine, and nothing will be different.

We won't remember it being different.

Of course, I will remember Band class being different. Simply because some loser decided to drop out and leave me with the scary clarinet section of doom.

That reminds me. I probably won't live to see my birthday. I have four days of Band first. They'll more than likely manage to kill me in that amount of time.

Or I'll kill myself by pulling my head off by my hair. Always feasible.

Not really, it won't be that bad. Hopefully. Lydia won't be section leader, so I won't be persecuted quite so mercilessly.

There'll be a few nice people. Arrgh! Why does everyone have to be in different sections! I'm scared. *sniffles*

Oh well, the person who is leaving me to my horrible fate gets to hear my rants the period after that. He deserves it. :-p


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