Wednesday, August 09, 2006

"For the first time I saw inside you. And somewhere within you lies the whole truth. It's time to let go."

School is approaching. This junior year that is supposed to be different. Which I suppose it will be, but that doesn't apply to everyone. Just to me. Other than that, I don't think much will change anymore than it does any other year to year transition.

My little sister is so strange. It's even weirder when you pair her with me. She, at ten, spends more time on the phone in a few days than I have in my entire life.

Then again, she also wears hot pink skirts. *shudders*

I have a new calculator. My favorite thing in the entire world. Oh wait, I think I already mentioned it. Oh well. I shall mention it more. It's a TI-89 Titanium. I am in heaven. Until I crashed it. On my first full day of owning it. Whoops. But I fixed it. And I can play a few games, though I know practically nothing else about the thing.

And I have birthday money to spend. Even more exciting, I'm getting my permit on my birthday, therefore in ten days I will legally be able to drive with my mom in the car.

Not that I haven't done that already. Last time we even went on roads. Instead of dirt roads.

Of course, I did almost take out a mailbox. And scare the dude behind me by swerving slightly off the road. Really, I wasn't that bad. It's more of getting used to the size of my truck. And realizing that I desperately need new tires, cause I get way too much drift and it's too easy to swerve.

I didn't peel out like I normally do...but that's because it was my mom in the car and not my brother. Big difference. See my mother controls when I actually get my license. Because if she thinks I'm not ready after six months, I have to wait.

Something I really don't want to do. I want to be able to drive by college. It'd be awfully nice.

Off subject thingy: I pray to God I don't get another tech hallway locker. Though Heather's is in the science wing (Lucky...) so I always have that option. And of course, stealing everyone else's combination.

I'm debating whether or not I want to have my mp3 player on between classes the first day. On the bright side, the freshman will be scared off early. But I kind of need it off in my rush to go through the halls to find my class and so I can hear old friends yelling my name down the hallway.

Then again.....I could always just turn it down. But that would defeat the point. I wouldn't be able to hear it in the crowds anyway.

Has anyone heard about the paying band fees right away? Heather said she had to and I want to double check.


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