Saturday, August 19, 2006

"If I could write down what is written on my heart."

I am the luckiest girl in the world.

In the span of one day, that fact has been assured, over and over again. And I can't get this stupid grin off my face. I feel like if I smile anymore my face is going to bust open.

I got a birthday present from Ryo. Or I should say several. A lovely thing of soap and air freshener and earphones. But the real present was the box. The box covered in so many things that make me smile. The box that's going to be treasured for the rest of my life.

The box is covered in small pictures, papers, words. I spent forever going over every inch of it with my fingers. Every small thing standing for a part of me. Of us. The thought that went into it. The time that went into it. I can't believe it.

The creativity. The wittiness. The thoughtfulness. I love my boyfriend.

Even if he did make a few dangerous implications on the volume of my music. Although the earphones are wonderful, and will be put to good use.

But the box is something I'm going to treasure forever. Plus, it was full of bubble wrap!

And I'm not a complete wuss. Yay! Go me. I initiated hand-holding apparently. Always fun. If somewhat distracting.

And I officially have my permit.

I'm going to go lay on my bed now and stare at the ceiling. Probably with an incredibly stupid grin on my face. This stupid grin seems to be a reoccuring problem lately. But I don't have any problem with it....I love Ryo.

Today has got to be the best day ever. I guess sixteen really is sweet.


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