Saturday, September 16, 2006

"I'm falling even more in love with you."

Ok, so I haven't posted in a really long time. We'll ignore that.

My father, whom I was supposed to see this weekend, was postponed until next weekend. Excuse me while I jump for joy. Although, technically it wasn't postponed, my mother just had the wrong date. Yay!

In other news, the Harrison football team actually won a game. No one was expecting that. Go us.

Life has been....frustrating as of lately. It's as if everything is hanging by a thread right in front of my nose, but I am incapable of grasping it. It escapes me, teasing me all the way.

I have also been rather forgetful as of lately. Probably why most of my grades are teetering between 89 and 90. That's bad. Quite bad.

Especially with mid-terms.

I'm going to be a pirate for Halloween. Fun, fun, fun!

I have discovered that however bad it is shopping with my mom, it is even worse shopping with my mum and my best friend. Those teamed together...I should have known better.

Although part of it was Heather herself. I can never tell when she's joking or not on some things, and some of the things that she said bothered me. But it all worked out fine, so I will forget this small bump.

I really need to remember to get this one CD off of her....that's where I remembered the song from way back that I plan on sticking on here after I'm finished posting.

Anticipation. Not fun. Although I also have this dark, gloomy cloud hanging over me with the impending thought of spending time with my father.

My mom keeps saying that she expects more out of me. Damn me for being so mature. Because right now all I really want to do is act like the angry, pissed off teenager that I am. Or at least the one that he makes me.

I have a bit of a hard time concentrating in Pre-Calculus. The new teacher slightly resembles the idiotic biological sperm donor.

Anyways. Happy thoughts. I'm going to a party....

I have half an AP Chem test left....

I have no homework done....

I have a World Geography test....

Not doing too good.

I get to see my friends and Ryo on Monday. I have all day tomorrow to do homework. I didn't have to go to the dentist on Friday because of the two hour delay.


Dum da dum da dummm.

I have found my kitten's spot! You (whoever you may be) may not realize the importance of this. See, a cat's spot is the place where you can itch or scratch and the cat will purr and be in a complete state of bliss. Until this morning, when the offending being woke me up, I did not know where Rose's was. It's on the top of her head. Actually, that's quite strange. I've never had a cat who liked specifically being scratched their. Shadow like to be scratched under the chin and Angel prefers her stomach.

Jenny is a dog and therefore, does not care as long as she is being scratched.

Now I'm going to go, because I haven't been on the internet longer than an hour in about two weeks. Off to play. Buh-bye.


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