Saturday, August 26, 2006

"And falling down is just a part of getting up again"

Recipe for the second week of school:
-tons of homework
-various Bowls...
-one mental breakdown
-one devastating(but expected) football loss
-one great night

My week has been so frazzled, yet content. It's hard not to be content. And I think this school year might actually be different. I say hi to more than one or two people in the hallway now. I went to a football game and showed school spirit.

I finally finished the book that I haven't been allowed to read after three days...

May I say that it is terribly frustrating when you are bugged by various family members so much that you can't read one book over the course of three days?

I also found myself entirely frustrated with one person. And in the course of one football game, I realized that I could not complete the life challenge our Physics teacher issued this week. Smiley told us to be real in our conversations and tell the truth. And while I did tell the truth during the conversation, I was holding back many things that I wanted to say.

But I'm over that now. It's Saturday night, and that particular night was too happy to let the mood be dragged down.

This song I'm sticking up is entirely way too's been stuck in my head since I first heard it. And it is really hard to get out. Bad thing is, I still love the song. It's hard to force it from your mind when your enjoying the imaginary music.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

"If I could write down what is written on my heart."

I am the luckiest girl in the world.

In the span of one day, that fact has been assured, over and over again. And I can't get this stupid grin off my face. I feel like if I smile anymore my face is going to bust open.

I got a birthday present from Ryo. Or I should say several. A lovely thing of soap and air freshener and earphones. But the real present was the box. The box covered in so many things that make me smile. The box that's going to be treasured for the rest of my life.

The box is covered in small pictures, papers, words. I spent forever going over every inch of it with my fingers. Every small thing standing for a part of me. Of us. The thought that went into it. The time that went into it. I can't believe it.

The creativity. The wittiness. The thoughtfulness. I love my boyfriend.

Even if he did make a few dangerous implications on the volume of my music. Although the earphones are wonderful, and will be put to good use.

But the box is something I'm going to treasure forever. Plus, it was full of bubble wrap!

And I'm not a complete wuss. Yay! Go me. I initiated hand-holding apparently. Always fun. If somewhat distracting.

And I officially have my permit.

I'm going to go lay on my bed now and stare at the ceiling. Probably with an incredibly stupid grin on my face. This stupid grin seems to be a reoccuring problem lately. But I don't have any problem with it....I love Ryo.

Today has got to be the best day ever. I guess sixteen really is sweet.

Friday, August 18, 2006

"It’s really good to hear your voice saying my name, it sounds so sweet."

School has started. It's interesting, the whole no flimsy classes deal.

AP Chemistry....holds so many memories dear to me. Plus I love chemistry, so this has the possibility of being one of my favorite classes.

Honors far I couldn't say much, because we've been doing review from Algebra 1. But the teacher likes point slope, so I finally have a teacher who agrees with me.

World Geography....yet to be decided. We haven't really done much.

Spanish 3. Not good, nor bad. Just a class where I work through everything silently.

Honors English....could there be any more books required for this freakin' class?

Honors Physics...I like the way Smiley teaches. I have the distinct feeling this class is going to be fun.

Then again, I'm biased when it comes to science. Any science is good with me really.

School has been a little detached for me though. I don't get to talk to people much. A little depressing. I get homework every night. Even more depressing.

Yet it's still a happy time for me...oh wait. I know why. I'm eating a Snickers(courtesy of Ari), therefore everything is happy. But still, seeing my favorite people all day long makes me happy. I wish I had more classes with Ari and other people though....

So, onto the big news. My birthday is tomorrow. Yay! I get my permit! Bigger yay! Ryo is possibly dropping by. More yays!

I have a Snickers!

Oh, I hate people who sing the birthday song to people who do not wish to be sung to. You all should die. Or at least suffer.

Friday, August 11, 2006

"And I am lost here in your eyes"

So, by now I imagine anyone who reads Ryo's blog has read his post about me.

Which actually leaves me in a very delicate situation. I'm rather stuck in this hole. I can publicly profess my love, blow it off and say the feelings mutual, or ignore it altogether. None of which appeal to me.

Except the first one. Except there is one major problem with that. Amazingingly, considering which of us talks more, I think Ryo has the greater gift of gab. Because after reading his post I'm just stuck in my room with a stupid grin on my face, which happens to be blushing, and struck speechless. So I waited a day.

And I reread it. Same reaction. Bugger.

I can' it all. Mostly because everything is so new to me. I can go look up words in the dictionary for it, but none of them will be me expressing it. They'll just be words. Not feelings. A problem I've always had.

I love him. That's the only way I can think to explain it. Cause no other explanation can make sense. Any other explanation couldn't work because it wouldn't be true. It's love, pure and simple.

In other news, I have discovered not all plumbers are fat, ugly men with large ass cracks. Something I am very grateful for.

Although the lack of water for two hours really sucks......

Yes, the new video I'm posting is a Nickelback one. Yes, within two weeks it will be insanely overplayed. So I'm going to stick it in before the song bugs the hell out of me. Because I do really love this song.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

"For the first time I saw inside you. And somewhere within you lies the whole truth. It's time to let go."

School is approaching. This junior year that is supposed to be different. Which I suppose it will be, but that doesn't apply to everyone. Just to me. Other than that, I don't think much will change anymore than it does any other year to year transition.

My little sister is so strange. It's even weirder when you pair her with me. She, at ten, spends more time on the phone in a few days than I have in my entire life.

Then again, she also wears hot pink skirts. *shudders*

I have a new calculator. My favorite thing in the entire world. Oh wait, I think I already mentioned it. Oh well. I shall mention it more. It's a TI-89 Titanium. I am in heaven. Until I crashed it. On my first full day of owning it. Whoops. But I fixed it. And I can play a few games, though I know practically nothing else about the thing.

And I have birthday money to spend. Even more exciting, I'm getting my permit on my birthday, therefore in ten days I will legally be able to drive with my mom in the car.

Not that I haven't done that already. Last time we even went on roads. Instead of dirt roads.

Of course, I did almost take out a mailbox. And scare the dude behind me by swerving slightly off the road. Really, I wasn't that bad. It's more of getting used to the size of my truck. And realizing that I desperately need new tires, cause I get way too much drift and it's too easy to swerve.

I didn't peel out like I normally do...but that's because it was my mom in the car and not my brother. Big difference. See my mother controls when I actually get my license. Because if she thinks I'm not ready after six months, I have to wait.

Something I really don't want to do. I want to be able to drive by college. It'd be awfully nice.

Off subject thingy: I pray to God I don't get another tech hallway locker. Though Heather's is in the science wing (Lucky...) so I always have that option. And of course, stealing everyone else's combination.

I'm debating whether or not I want to have my mp3 player on between classes the first day. On the bright side, the freshman will be scared off early. But I kind of need it off in my rush to go through the halls to find my class and so I can hear old friends yelling my name down the hallway.

Then again.....I could always just turn it down. But that would defeat the point. I wouldn't be able to hear it in the crowds anyway.

Has anyone heard about the paying band fees right away? Heather said she had to and I want to double check.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

"Where did you go we thought we knew you. So much for that anymore. Don't come running back to us when you're left with nothing"

My hands are currently clown-colored. I have blue and green and pink and red and a little bit o' purple. This, my friends, is why we never let Tiffany decorate a birthday cake.

Although the cake did come out quite fabulous, if I do say so myself. It just came off a lot on my hands at the same time. And food coloring stains really well apparently.

My calculator came in the mail today. I am the proud owner of a TI-89 Titanium graphing calculator. Except that I can't play games. It's very frustrating. It's not cooperating.

Okay, I'm having a hard time remembering the rest of my life right now, seeing as someone on the phone is distracting me. And succeeding quite well.

I'll try and post tomorrow.